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The Sacramento Central Labor Council’s strongest assets are our members and our member's willingness to share skills, knowledge and expertise. Putting that talent into action by taking an active role on Sacramento Central Labor Council committees, helps our Delegates grow into powerful leaders of the Labor Movement.


Volunteering to serve provides tremendous benefits including personal growth, professional development, building and other industry contacts and developing relationships with colleagues along the way.


Our Committees


Committee On Political Education (C.O.P.E.)

The Council’s Committee on Political Education recommendations and electoral candidate and initiative campaign endorsements and is limited to races that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the CA Labor Federation.

C.O.P.E. subcommittees constitute one (1) representative appointed by each affiliated local union expressing an interest in the office or issue under the purview of that subcommittee. Each subcommittee shall make endorsement recommendations to the full C.O.P.E. committee, which in turn shall make recommendations to the delegates of the Council.

Please contact Mobilization Director, Volma Volcy to get plugged in.

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Community Services
AFL-CIO/United Way

The Community Services AFL-CIO/United Way partnership & committee works to engage members of organized labor to become active in the community through volunteerism and leadership by providing a variety of community service opportunities throughout the year, such as: Week of Caring, CA State Fair booth, Golf Tournament for Tom’s Food Closet for Working Families, Holiday Canned Food Drive, Toilet Paper Drive for local nonprofits, Resource Services for struggling union members and partnering with allied community organizations on community projects.

Please contact our United Way Labor Liaison, LiLi Bach, to get plugged in.

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Labor Neighbor

The Labor Neighbor Committee is the Labor Council’s political grassroots member-to-member political and policy action program, engaging and informing our union members and their families about the candidates and ballot measures that have earned labor’s endorsement, Other activities include lobbying local, regional and state elected officials about issues and legislation that affect and impact our working families.

Please contact Mobilization Director, Volma Volcy to get plugged in.

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Events Committee

The Events Committee plans and executes Labor Council's fundraising and solidarity events such as: The Salute to Labor Dinner, Annual Crab Feed, Labor Day Picnic, Annual Holiday Party, etc.

Please contact Office Manager, Teresa Villasenor, to get plugged in.


Regional Organizing Committee (R.O.C.)

The Council’s Regional Organizing Committee is a coalition of affiliated unions, and community organizations who meet to exchange updates on organizing campaigns, strike sanctions and to plan for solidarity action opportunities.

Please contact Program Manager, Sofia Cardenas, to get plugged in.

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Constitution and Bylaws/Labor Council Policy Committee

By appointment of the President, with Council approval, the Constitution and Bylaws & Labor Council Policy Committee meets as needed to develop and implement policies and make necessary updates to the Bylaws of the Council for review and approval by the delegate body and the AFL-CIO. The committee is composed of Executive Board members, Council Delegates and such other members from affiliated organizations as the President appoints.

Please contact Executive Director, Fabrizio Sasson, for more information.

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