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Community Services!
The Sacramento CLC believes in the power of giving back to our members and communities. Our affiliate leaders and rank-and-file members devote hundreds of hours volunteering for various community projects and organizations.
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Operation Christmas Basket
Through the generous donations of IBEW 340 and other sponsoring unions, the Sacramento CLC provides hundreds of union families in-need full groceries for a holiday feast and presents for each child on the list.
Labor Day Feeding the Houseless
For the last 30 years, union volunteers spend their Labor Day holiday giving back to those most in need by preparing and serving over 500 meals to the unhoused at Loaves & Fishes.
Union Job Career Fair
We all know the best jobs are UNION jobs. Partnering with local unions and elected leaders, the Sacramento CLC coordinates a Career Fair showcasing unionized employment opportunities.
Santa Claus at the Ralph Richardson Center A CLC Tradition for Over 60 Years! Each year, the Sacramento CLC provides dozens of stuffed animals & teddy bears to special-needs children at the Ralph Richardson Center at Starr King Elementary all delivered by Santa & Mrs. Claus themselves with a little help from the Metro Fire Department, a big red fire truck, and members of IAFF Local 522! If you would like to donate a NEW and UNUSED stuffed animal, please contact